Colchón Icon Sky/ Icon Sky mattress
Regular price
$ 21,984.00
Matress-in-a-box, descanso perfecto listo para abrir y disfrutar.
iCon SKY es una excelente opción para quienes buscan un colchón de alta calidad, cómodo y fácil de instalar. Abre la caja, desenrolla y en cuestión de minutos estará listo.
Con núcleo de resortes embolsados individualmente y con soporte independiente que aísla el movimiento de persona a persona.
Este colchón es adaptable a la forma y contorno de tu cuerpo, mantiene la frescura y permite la liberación instantánea del calor.
Matress-in-a-box, perfect rest ready to open and enjoy.
iCon SKY is an excellent option for those looking for a high-quality mattress that is comfortable and easy to install. Open the box, unroll and in a matter of minutes it will be ready.
With individually pocketed spring core and independent support that isolates movement from person to person.
This mattress is adaptable to the shape and contour of your body, maintains freshness and allows instant heat release.